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Writer's pictureMetal Coalition

alt. Share "APEP" Video — WATCH 👀

Adelaide's alt. return today with a towering new single, "APEP," featuring Void Of Vision vocalist Jack Bergin. Taken from alt.'s upcoming album ABEYANCE, due out June 16 via Resist Records in Australia and SharpTone Records for the rest of the world, "APEP" charges at chaos and corruption with a futuristic sonic glove.

Watch the video below!

Showcasing yet another side of the explosive new alt. chapter, alongside previous singles "WRAITH," "THE GREAT DEPRESSION," and "A.D.D," "APEP" explodes alongside a razor-sharp emulsion of towering soundscapes, anthemic stomps, and colossal vocal interplay between Bergin and alt.'s Daniel Richards.

Also accompanied by a gritty music video that heightens the track's glowering, powerhouse snarl, "APEP" is a stadium-ready moment from alt. that will keep you coming back for more.

"'APEP' is the Egyptian god of chaos and he is consuming our world," sharesRichards. "We see his impacts through the pandemic, our corrupt governments, and social media being used as a weapon to divide people. We need to realize we are not the enemy — we haven't done this to ourselves or each other. We are being used and its time to stand up and fight or this chaos will devour us all."

ABEYANCE finds alt. emerging from a turbulent few years armed with rejuvenated focus and ferocity, set to stupefy the senses, and catapult one of the city of churches' brightest stars further into the spotlight.

Working on ABEYANCE alongside Marcus Bridge (Northlane), Landon Tewers (The Plot In You), Zach Britt (Dream On, Dreamer), and Trenton Woodley (Hands Like Houses), producer Callan Orr also returned after his work on alt.'s 2020 debut EP dysfunctional — and the end result is nothing short of astonishing.









Pre-order ABEYANCE here.

Spending years honing their signature brand of punk, pop, electronic, and alternative rock since first erupting onto the scene in 2019, alt. have previously performed with the likes of Karnivool, Cog, sleepmakeswaves, Belle Haven, Bad/Love and, most recently, as the national support for American rockers Saosin during their Australian tour.

Alt. will hit stages supporting Don Broco for their national headline tour across Australia the next few days, and will also appear at Unify Off The Record 2023 at Hindley St Music Hall in Adelaide on May 26, alongside Teenage Joans, Thornhill, Ocean Grove, and more, before joining Windwaker and the UK's Caskets around Australia this July.


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